Never Create Boring Content Again
One of the best ways to ensure that you never create boring content again is to find unique information that pique's your own interest, before trying to get other people interested.
Look under every rock
No matter how good you are at what you do, you probably don't know everything about your business, especially not the obscure stuff. Look for unusual information to share with your audience. There may be some history concerning your product or service that you are unaware of or perhaps someone famous utilizes your product regularly. Even if you're unable to get an interview, you can present this information as an interesting fact.
Look for Unintended Uses
Try to find the strangest and most humorous unintended uses for your product or service. What crazy things have people tried to do with it? Was the unusual application of your product successful?

These and other similarly attention-grabbing anecdotes can be crafted into intriguing tidbits of content. You might even create a Hall of Fame. This may entice others to try to find new uses.
Look for hot Topics
It doesn’t need to be a direct tie-in but if you can find a way to link one of your products or how you do business with something that’s trendy or newsworthy, doing so is a great way to get attention. You’ll get more traffic by way of the hot topic, and it will make your business seem more interesting even if there isn't a direct connection.
Look for Ways to Include your Audience
Ask a question that isn’t easily answered and then invite your visitors to respond on your social media pages. Use the best answer, complete with the user name of the respondent, in a later blog post. People love to be recognized. By choosing a less than standard question, you will also have the opportunity to create unique content, which audiences and search engines both love.
Change things up in order to never create boring content again. Answer questions with visual images instead of text. Start your blog post off with a joke. Stir up a bit of debate, if you dare. Always keep your audience wanting more.
Contact us for more ways to turn your passion into business.