What You Are Doing Wrong on Facebook and How You Can Fix It

It's no secret now that Facebook is a very valuable marketing tool for businesses and brands. What is complicated, however, is figuring out how to do it correctly. Far too many business owners and entrepreneurs are wasting their time on Facebook marketing tactics that don't work.
Here are some things you may be doing wrong on Facebook, along with what you can do to fix it:
Not engaging your community. It sounds like such a simple concept but still people are missing the mark. You can engage your community by asking questions with your posts and trying to grow the conversation.
Not responding to your community. This is the follow-up to engaging your community. When you do get them talking, be sure to respond. Sounds like another no-brainer but many people fail. Why would anyone want to continue interacting with your Facebook page if you don't respond?
Being too promotional. Yes, you're trying to promote your brand here but you're also trying to build trust and make connections. Facebook isn't a giant digital billboard. Every post shouldn't be selling something.
Cross-posting Twitter to Facebook. This is a lazy way to manage your social media accounts. Don't use the same posts verbatim from one network to the other. The audiences are different, the fan base is different and you should put more effort into it than this.
Like-baiting your posts. Like-gating and like-baiting are old tactics for Facebook pages. They don't work these days and in fact, could even harm your FB marketing efforts. Facebook themselves have reported they will hide/penalize posts that blatantly ask for likes and shares. Let your great content speak for itself. Don't try to bait people into boosting your FB stats.
Now that you know more about what you are doing wrong on Facebook and how you can fix it, you can begin implementing a new Facebook strategy right away.
If you have more questions, or you'd like help contracting promotional models to boost your brand, contact us today for more information.