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How To Use Linkedin Ads The Proper Way

Why use LinkedIn ads? Isn't LinkedIn much smaller than other social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter? The fact is, first of all, that there are over 250 million LinkedIn users worldwide, with over 100 million of those in the US. But that is not the main reason why you should consider advertising on LinkedIn. Statistics show that visitor-to-lead conversions on LinkedIn are three times higher than Facebook and Twitter. With the proper knowledge on how to use LinkedIn ads, a LinkedIn ad campaign can be very successful. This brings us to some of the unique qualities LinkedIn offers in terms of advertisements.

Although Facebook and Google also offer opportunities to target specific audiences, LinkedIn goes even deeper in terms of target audiences: At LinkedIn, you can target specific industries, job titles, and even interests/skills.

This offers unique opportunities to advertisers, as if they are advertising a product, course, or book relating to a specific field, say the legal field, they can then target people with interests and skills relating to law, or to people whose job titles are lawyers. LinkedIn also will show you related target audiences to help you better manage your campaign.

There are two types of LinkedIn ad campaigns:CPC and CPM. LinkedIn advertisements are pretty basic and short, with only around one hundred words of text and an optional video. LinkedIn, as Facebook, also allows sponsored status updates.

LinkedIn offers amazing opportunities for B2B companies, so don't hesitate to contact us so that we can jumpstart and catapult your LinkedIn campaign.



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