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4 More Top Social Media Tools To Use Right Now

Here are some more top social media tools to use right now.


Buzzsumo is a tool that allows you to keep yourself informed about your competitors. Simply type the URL of your competitor's website and Buzzsumo will give you their top ranking content in the social world. By checking out a few of your competitors, you can get a pretty good idea of what type of content YOU should start posting on social media. You can also search for the top ranking content by keywords.


Trendsmap is a wonderful tool that helps you stay on top of topics currently trending on Twitter. It will let you know what are the most popular topics based on regions. This is extremely useful information, because people will be searching Twitter for tweets that talk about those topics, and by throwing in a few tweets of your own, you can gain some valuable exposure.


Somewhat a similar idea as Trendsmap, Hashtagify keeps you updated on all of the most popular hashtags at the current moment. Again, people use the search bar in Twitter to see the latest tweets that contain certain hashtags, so using a few hashtags can bring you new followers.


Canva is one of the most widely used platforms for creating images. Using it will allow you to create quality images according to your tastes that you will be able to post on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.

Please contact us for more information or if you need help with your marketing campaign.

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