The Perfect Facebook Post

The growth of your social media audience often means that followers will be scrutinizing your efforts heavily. Therefore, it is imperative that you create Facebook posts with valuable content. As the Facebook platform continues to change, users continuously find new ways to find the content they desire. Being knowledgeable of the changes in brand tactics is key in ensuring that you are maintaining your current audience and gaining new fans as well. In order to ensure that you are creating the perfect Facebook post, here are some tips to keep in mind:
Length Matters. Ultimately, you should stay around 40 characters for a Facebook post. For many, this is no easy task, but the objective should be to keep the message slim and to the point.
Use Images. Including visual content in a post increases user engagement. The image chosen should be done carefully to represent both the content being conveyed as well as the business. Kissmetrics has reported that posts that include images get 53% more likes and 104% more comments than a post that does not include an image.
Know your Audience. It is important to be aware of who exactly your audience is and what content they are seeking. When users like a page or decide to follow it, it is a clear indication that they are looking for regular updates. To maintain this audience, it is important to post information that is relevant and grabs their attention.
Find the Right Time. The best time to post the perfect Facebook post often varies per industry. To identify the best time to reach your targeted audience, test out post on different days at different times to see when you get the most responses. This will give you an idea of how to align your timing effectively with users.
Make it Mobile Friendly. In today's digital age, majority of Facebook users check the app on their phone or tablet. Therefore, it is important to consider how your post will show up on a mobile device. Creating posts that are short are more effective for screen sizes and for making them easier to read.
80/20 Rule. According to Engagor, the perfect Facebook post will follow the 80/20 rule which states that a post should be 80% social and 20% product-related. By directly promoting a product, you run the risk of losing followers by pushing the hard sale.
Use Emoticons. Though they may seem a little childish, emoticons have been found to increase user engagement if they are used in a manner that is consistent with tone of the business.
Ask Questions. Posting questions are another way to increase user engagement. Hubspot has found that asking questions that begin with "should," "would," and "who" get the best responses. This is in opposition of asking questions that begin with "why," or "how" that can cause people to have to think too hard.
The Pew Research Center has found that Facebook is the dominant social media platform with 63% of users checking the site at least once a day and 40% using Facebook to search for content within the news feed. Such findings indicate the importance of using the best practices to ensure that you are reaching the millions of users out there with relevant information. There is no one fix that works for every business. Finding the perfect mix of wording, images, and the best time to post often requires some trial and error. Even when you think you have found the perfect formula, it is important to carefully watch how trends change and how your audience changes in order to make the proper adjustments.
If you would like more information on creating the perfect Facebook post, contact us