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Goodbye to The Beat Coffeehouse, Las Vegas

Remembering the magic of The Beat Coffeehouse & Records:

This week is bittersweet for our team at Crowd Siren. For the 6yrs we have been in business, The Beat Coffeehouse has been our home. Today it is closed. In 1 week from today, we will move out of this home and off Fremont Street to a new amazing coworking space, Proof of Concept in Downtown LV. A new spot created by the thoughtful couple that created The Beat, Jennifer & Michael Cornthwaite.

When our founder, Lauralie, started this company, she merely had the concept, but not the name. As one of her many steps to starting her business, she had to pick a name & run with it. She had a list of words scribbled out in a small pink notebook that was given to her by fellow entrepreneur, Patty Barba.

She was deciding if the company name should include an animal...she played with different animals that could represent an idea. Nothing seemed to work.

One night, she bellied up to the bar at The Beat Coffeehouse. Heather Hyte, barista by day & DJ by night, was still serving up coffee. Records were spinning.

"What about Social Siren?" Lauralie asked. and they talked through it.

"Crowd Siren is kinda cool too. I like the idea of the crowds enamored so much with the siren song, they can't look away." Lauralie pitched.

After a few nods from other 'regulars' at the bar. It was decided. The pink notebook full of lines crossed through other names, Crowd Siren circled.

Soon to follow, the first Las Vegas Start-Up Weekend would be planned at The Beat's tables. We would read poetry at Human Experience & listen to others. We would say hi to our favorite city leaders including both Mayors' Goodman. We would wear headphones along Tony Hsieh during the first coworking Jelly's in Vegas, the birthplace of #VegasTech.

The Beat has been home to meetings with friends and colleagues. The very first consultation of the company, the first dollar it ever saw, happened on the coffeehouse bench.

We know that good things come to an end. But it seems premature. It feels as if that place could have lasted 35yrs and would continue to create that same magic. Las Vegas needs more time to grow amazing authenticity like this place without being uprooted before it really matures.

We couldn't be more grateful for the days stacked on top of years stacked on top of The Beat where Crowd Siren grew from idea to reality, where we built a family, a team & a community.

We will miss it all!

The Crowd Siren Team

PS- remember this epic moment....?

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