Celebrities to the (Pet) Rescue: Celebrity Influencer Marketing

Celebrities to the (Pet) Rescue: Celebrity Influencer Marketing
Kelly Ripa, talk show host and celebrity, often talks about her dog “Chewey”, a little princess of a Shih Tzu that she adopted on her show during one of its very first features on abandoned and abused animals.
Over the last few years, light has been shed on the horrible conditions that animals often face due to the negligence of someone or someones who claimed to want them, love them, and take care of them. Celebrities such as Ripa are working to make this tragedy end and give many hours to getting word out to the public. When celebrities take the time to feature this ongoing subject, 100% of the animals featured are generally adopted out.
Ripa is not alone. The infamous Betty White has been an animal lover and advocate for years. Among their peers who have also adopted rescued pets: Bradley Cooper; Selena Gomez, and Jake Gyllenhaal. And celebrities are realizing that their voice in this matter can carry weight with the general public.
This is evidence of the huge influence that celebrities have over marketing.
Since this task has been taken on by these infamous voices, "Forever Pets" and similar causes have brought an onslaught of merchandise to market. Not only is everyone jumping on the band wagon of adopting, they are joining in the growing class of those who make pets part of the family and want the best for them - including the best care and the best products available. It's simple marketing brought on by the voice of the well-known.
"It takes a village to raise a child" begun by Hillary Clinton, of course, spurred Americans to buy the products and give to causes that supported this notion. Millions were spent on proper clothing, security, education, entertainment, books, etc., for the betterment of children's protection and upbringing. Apparently it also takes a village of celebrities to see that the animals are well cared for too. And it doesn't hurt that with all that marketing the pet companies benefit as well.
Strategy and management are two of the dynamics employed by a marketing company that wants to see that your ideas and hard work get the best exposure. A good marketing design will use the best tools available to promote your business, including, when appropriate, the use and inspiration of celebrities. With live video streaming; digital designs; product design and more, we are ready to give you optimal results.
For more information on marketing strategies, please contact us.