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What You're Doing Wrong on Facebook and How To Fix It

What You're Doing Wrong on Facebook and How To Fix It

You've set up your Facebook page, you post now and then, but the 'likes' aren't flooding in. We've outlined five common mistakes people make with their Facebook pages and offered some tips to help you turn things around.

You're oversharing.

Your personal Facebook timeline is littered with friends who overshare, but could you be making the same mistake on your business page? If you're posting to Facebook more than twice per day, you're probably sharing too much information. Unlike Twitter, Facebook is not meant for frequent updates. Facebook users get tired of seeing the same things over and over again. Unfortunately for you, Facebook also has a "hide post" or "hide all posts" button. These buttons signal death for your Facebook page.

The fix? Scale it back. The first place to start is on your page's "Insight" tab. Here you can see how many people have hidden posts, which posts they've hidden, and when they've hidden them. These figures will help you decide what to cut from your page. The easiest place to start is to cut back on your number of posts. Three to four posts per week are ideal.

You're not sharing enough.

On the flip side, businesses frequently do not share enough. Facebook users want to see what's going on. Your page is the perfect opportunity to not only advertise your products, but to give a glimpse behind the scenes. Follow the same rule as above: aim for three to four posts per week.

You have more than one voice.

Consistency is key. Your Facebook page may have multiple admins who can post updates, but if each admin is writing in a different voice, your audience is going to be distracted.

Set out guidelines for everyone with access to your page. Do you use contractions, such as "don't" or "aren't", or do you prefer the more professional version of "do not" or "are not"? Are you writing in the first person ("I" and "we") or third person ("the company")? Setting these basic guidelines will help streamline your voice and offer a more professional page.

Your photographs aren't top quality.

Do your photos look like the ones you took on family vacations ten years ago? If so, it's time for an update. Facebook users expect to see professional quality photographs on all business pages. When taking your photographs, be sure to focus on the framing, lighting, background, and resolution. Luckily, most cameras and smartphones have the ability to take gorgeous photos with little effort.

These tips should help get you started. If you're stilling running into questions, contact us! We'll be happy to help.

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