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Three Snapchat Marketing Tips from National Geographic

Three Snapchat Marketing Tips from National Geographic

According to a recent article on the National Geographic, Snapchat is an important source of social media revenue for the legendary magazine. Curious to see how they did it? Below are several tips you can use to drive revenue using the popular social media platform Snapchat.

Cater to Your Audience

National Geographic quickly learned that their audience on Snapchat preferred to watch educational content that was also very entertaining. Find out what your customers want to see on the platform. If you aren't sure, you can always do a quick survey. Next, research your competitors on Snapchat. What types of content is getting the most engagement? Remember, consumers usually want something different on every platform so you can't assume that your Facebook marketing strategies will work on Snapchat.

Use Social Influencers

National Geographic also used Snapchat influencers to increase their popularity. They invited a select group of Snapchat influencers to compete in a contest. Whoever took the photo with the most likes won the contest. When you leverage their audience, you can expose your magazine to hundreds of thousands (or even millions) of people. Look for prominent Snapchat influencers in your industry and pitch them on different marketing ideas.

Stay True to Your Brand

Finally, remember to stay true to your brand. Although your company's content will change depending on the social media platform you're using, the core brand message should remain consistent. For example, National Geographic makes sure its founding principles are the same across all channels, from social media to television.

Are you interested in learning more? Please contact us today.

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